We are looking forward hearing from you. Whether you want to gain information about our products or services or you are looking for a job or you have a general enquiry, our contact form will cover all your objectives.

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    Technical Customer Service

    For us, customer service begins with a deep understanding of our customers’ needs. We help you professionally, straightforwardly and quickly.

    Service times: 8am – 5pm
    Phone 1: +41 44 847 65 43
    Phone 2: +41 44 847 65 44

    Spare Parts Service

    We have a spare part service with long-standing employees who make sure that our customers receive their deliveries as quickly as possible.

    Service hours: 8am – 5pm
    Phone: +41 44 847 65 45


    Find our sales team under the following link:


    Sales representatives

    Find our global list of sales representatives under the following link:
