Channel grooves
A plastic matrix which is low cost and durable- our worldwide bestseller. Suitable for use on any type of machine. The perfect balance between cost and performance.
Pink is the result of years of R&D with our engineers and marketing specialists based on requests from our customers for a matrix which is both extra durable but also easy to skive.
Corrugate is a revolutionary range of creasing matrix designed specifically for corrugated board. It solves common problems associated with creasing corrugated board such as cracking and fishtailing.
DETAILSReverse bend
The Reverse Bend solution from C&T Matrix allows board to be creased from the reverse side, eliminating cracking and allowing the creation of a concertina fold in a single pass.
The original steel-based creasing matrix that has been manufactured for more than 60 years and is mainly used on cylinder diecutters and flatbed diecutters.
DETAILSMicro-perforation lines

The micro-perforation lines from Speedi~Tear have become an integral part of the industry. They are products that are characterized by top quality, great variety in texture and perfectly uniform body hardness. Blumer has been supplying die cutting manufacturers, cardboard companies and printers with these special lines for many years.
Blumer has a large selection of micro-perforation lines in stock and can therefore ensure that even short-term orders can be completed immediately.
Thanks to close contacts between the user and the producer, Blumer ensures that customers are always up to date with the latest knowledge and are given the right line for even the most difficult materials and special needs.
An excerpt from our product range
Article number / article description:
7020809 micro-perforation lines (BOHLER TOP) 30 TPI, 1000 mm, 23.80 mm high x 0,71 mm thick
7020779 micro-perforation lines (BOHLER TOP) 30 TPI, coils clockwise, 23.80 mm high x 0,71 mm thick
7020688 micro-perforation lines (UNIVERSAL) 50 TPI, 1000 mm, 23.80 mm high x 0,71 mm thick
7020688 micro-perforation lines (UNIVERSAL) 50 TPI, coils clockwise, 23.80 mm high x 0,71 mm thick

Successfully used all over the world, produced by Blumer: the well-known finishing tape "Fit", made of steel.
Self-adhesive and conveniently packaged in handy rolls for the user, the following three different thicknesses are available:
· Thicknesses: 0.03 mm (blue), 0.05 mm (red), and 0.10 mm (green)
· Width: 6 mm
Self-adhesive and conveniently packaged in handy rolls for the user, the following three different thicknesses are available:
· Thicknesses: 0.03 mm (blue), 0.05 mm (red), and 0.10 mm (green)
· Width: 6 mm